SG360 on

September 28, 2012 § Leave a comment

We’re in the news!

Leading printing and publishing industry website,, wrote about we how we repositioned ourself as SG360° to evolve with the market in their September 27th article, SG360°: Taking Care of Business. Reporter Barb Pellow discusses the reasoning behind the name and logo change, our new service offerings, and includes the following 10 principles that we recommend to anyone.

1. Be true to yourself. Always ask yourself, “is this who you really want to be?”
2. Be passionate. If you don’t believe, nobody else will.
3. Go all in. Dipping your toe in the water won’t make an impact.
4. Educate yourself. You can’t know everything, but it’s better if you try!
5. Plan meticulously. Create a timeline and set benchmarks to reach along the way.
6. Don’t go it alone. Having the right people in the right place is half the battle.
7. Don’t settle. Complacency is the enemy of success.
8. Don’t change for the sake of change. If you aren’t addressing a customer need, it won’t work.
9. Live in the digital age. What can social media and mobile technology do for you?
10. Go beyond the past. The old way is usually the wrong way.

You can read the full article here: SG360°: Taking Care of Business 

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